Zombies Continue

Face-eating drugged-up attacks continue…

There’s something going on in the hot muggy climates of the southern United States. Another person has had his face gnawed upon by a drugged up attacker, someone he knew, and a suspect threatens to eat police officers.

In Lousiana, a swift attack mirrors that of the Miami Zombie. Scott resident Carl Jacquneaux bit off a chunk of Todd Credeur’s face during a scuffle in a domestic issue. Jacquneaux was fended off from doing more damage by taking a dose of wasp spray to the face (headshots are important). [June 5th]

There has been yet another Miami incident – a growling man who tried to bite police [June 6th]

Read more here, courtesy www.undeadreport.com http://www.undeadreport.com/2012/06/face-eating-drugged-up-attacks-continue/

3 thoughts on “Zombies Continue

  1. True Story. We will know what to do because we read a lot and watch fringe movies. I always knew being weird would come in handy some day…

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